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MVT app

project duration 

june 2022 to august 2022

Stationary photo

research summery

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m

designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research

Users who don’t want to waste their time standing in a line and want better seating areas in theatres.


This user group confirmed initial assumptions about theatre audience, but research

also revealed that time was not the only factor limiting users from buying tickets on ticket counters.

Other user problems included obligations, interests, or challenges that make it

difficult to book tickets and choose the seating area in person.


Design an app for movie theatres that can allow users to book seat timing of the show locate the theatre and able to watch the trailer of the movie.

Problem statement

People who want to watch movies in the theatre but don’t get any of the seats they want and have to spend their precious time in a Q.


Conducting the interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

Man Signing

my roles and respncibilities

pain point 1

People have to spend more time in q

pain point 2

People with disability are don’t have any assistive technologies

pain point 3

Most of the watchers are not able to satisfied with the seats

pain point 4

Selecting the movie is quite frustrating



parer wireframe


usability research plan

research study type: moderated 

time takes to conduct the test:

20 to 30 minutes

number of participants:

5 participants 

Lo-Fi prototype


Hi-Fi prototype






In this mvt app, users feel very relieved because the seating and finding the time and theatres are excellent.

One quote from a peer

“This app is what I want for Friday nights and it is the best app for my demand for movies”

what I learn:

In this entire project, I learned about hard work pays off very well and I get to know some great concepts and some skills I inherited like making personas user journey maps and how to conduct a usability study how to find insights for making changes in high-fidelity prototypes in Figma.

see full case study

Thank you

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